Motor enthusiasts in the North

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We are an association that is passionate about preserving and showcasing our automotive heritage. We carry out various types of events and an important part of our association is the social interaction. In our association, it is the common interest that binds us together, no matter what vehicle you have. We have many members who do not own classic vehicles but just share an interest and enjoy socialising.

You find us at:

Clubroom at Manhem (Old locomotive stables). Address: Malmgatan 5A Boden

Nonprofit associations

Boden’s Garden Society

“A flourishing companion” Bodens Trädgårdssällskap wants to stimulate and promote recreational horticulture, including: organising lectures, instructional evenings, study circles and garden trips. The association is

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Boden Basket

We play one of the biggest sports in the world and there are great opportunities to develop in our organization as a player, leader or

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We are a cultural association that works to create meeting places with professional culture in focus. Our ambition is to bring people together where shared

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