To work in the municipality of Boden is to be close to the changing everyday life of the people of Boden. This means opportunities and challenges where the way forward can be the courage to dare to try. We have a strong dare to try culture where the support from competent colleagues and managers are close. Here, you’ll gain a high level of confidence in a great environment and the opportunity to develop yourself and others.
The municipality of Boden is a modern small town with 28 000 inhabitants. In Boden we live a life of #Närhetsliv. By that we mean the life where you’re close to everything that matters and then some – leisure activities, your job, schools, cultural events, attractive homes, shopping and nature experiences.
To work in the municipality of Boden is to be close to the changing everyday life of the people of Boden. This means opportunities and challenges where the way forward can be the courage to dare to try. We have a strong dare to try culture where the support from competent colleagues and managers are close. Here, you’ll gain a high level of confidence in a great environment and the opportunity to develop yourself and others.
The municipality of Boden offers many different jobs in challenging and exciting professional areas, all of which aim to develop the municipality of Boden. We employ around 2,500 people and will need many new employees in all our departments in the coming years.
In Boden municipality, all employees should experience job satisfaction, enjoy their work and feel professional pride. The municipality of Boden works for a sustainable working life and is an attractive employer when employee relations and leadership work well, when there is gender equality in the workplace, when employees have good health and work environment, good skills and competitive wages and conditions.
All the activities of the municipality are aimed at providing high quality services to its citizens. The service and treatment provided must be equal and equivalent, regardless of gender or cultural background.
The task of the Department of Social Welfare is to provide support and care to people who, due to age, disability or other reasons, need help and support.
We who work at Boden municipality make sure that the welfare society works. Without municipal employees, we cannot run childcare, preschool, primary school, secondary school and special education. We also ensure that there is municipal adult education, Swedish for immigrants and social services. Caring for our elderly and for people with disabilities is a big part of our work.
We plan for the city and new developments and ensure that there is housing for our citizens. In our mission, we also make sure that there is health and environmental protection, that it is clean and that people can dispose of their waste.
Our emergency services are an important part of our organisation to ensure that citizens feel safe. At Boden municipality we also ensure that there is water and sewage and a library. Together with the regions, we manage public transport.
Being a municipal employee is an important job that ensures that everything can function in society.
For those of us who work at Boden municipality, gender equality is part of our regular mission. For us, it is a matter of course that residents benefit from equal resources and services regardless of gender. For those of us who work in Boden municipality, gender mainstreaming is important for democracy and for society to be sustainable and develop. Some examples:
We have had a clear focus on environmental and climate issues for a long time. Since 1995, the municipality has been a member of Sweden’s eco-municipalities (Sekom). Two important areas that the municipality is working on:
Each administration works with environmental issues in its activities, some examples:
In Boden, we invest in our youngest citizens. Until 2025, we will spend SEK 250 million on building four new preschools. It is an investment that is unparalleled in our time in Norrbotten.
At the Labour Market and Education Administration, we care about lifelong learning and about the individual’s ability to find work and become self-sufficient. The people who make this happen are all our skilled employees who show respect and tolerance, and who focus on continuous improvement. This collective commitment creates job satisfaction and pride.
Our administration operates preschools, primary and middle schools, secondary schools and upper secondary schools.
We build confidence in the future and give children and students the tools and opportunities to influence their own future. We want children and pupils to feel safe and secure, to experience community and inclusion, and to have a curiosity and desire to learn. We always start from the individual needs, interests and previous knowledge.
For labour market interventions, our priority target groups are: young people, newly arrived immigrants, people with disabilities and people with other problems that make it difficult to establish themselves in the labour market.
Our activities give children and young people the courage and skills to face the challenges of the future – this is the vision our administration is working towards.
To get in touch with the Labour Market and Education Administration, you should contact the Citizens’ Service of Boden municipality. When you get in touch with them, tell them your case or the person you’re looking for and they’ll put you through.
The municipal management administration brings together the municipal resources and works with development, management, control and coordination. In addition to providing administrative support to the City Council and the City Board, the administration is also responsible for support resources in areas such as IT, finance, human resources and communication. The emergency services and the department for culture, leisure and youth are also organised here. Within the municipal administration there are different departments and units.
To get in touch with the municipal administration, you should contact the Citizens’ Service of the municipality of Boden. When you get in touch with them, tell them your case or the person you’re looking for and they’ll put you through.
The main tasks of the Urban Development Department are to make the municipality’s physical environment, infrastructure and transport accessible, maintain, manage and develop it. The administration handles all issues from planning issues within the municipality (how land should be used) to repairing water pipes and streets.
We make sure that there is good water in the taps, that food waste becomes biogas and that there are drop-off points for recycling. We work to ensure that public transport is accessible and that those who need transport and parking permits can get them. The streets and roads in the municipality are mainly maintained by the department, for example by ploughing streets and cycle paths in winter. We provide the beautiful decorations in parks, streets and squares.
Many of the properties that are schools, preschools, even housing for the elderly, the department provides and maintains with, among other things, property management but also with facility management. Within the department, we manage the internal and external rental of the municipality’s premises
We are the ones who check that businesses comply with legislation, e.g. whether it is environmentally hazardous or whether restaurants comply with alcohol serving rules.
To get in touch with the urban development department, you should contact the Citizens’ Service of Boden municipality. When you get in touch with them, tell them your case or the person you’re looking for and they’ll put you through.
The task of the Department of Social Welfare is to provide support and care to people who, due to age, disability or other reasons, need help and support. The Department of Social Welfare is a politically governed organisation under the authority of the Social Welfare Board. Activities are divided into four areas:
Operations are largely governed by various laws such as the Social Services Act and the Act on Support and Services for Certain Disabled Persons (LSS). This means that all interventions provided to individuals have a decision on the form of assistance to be provided. When an application for assistance is being considered, an individual assessment must always be made. If the individual is not satisfied with the decision, it is usually possible to appeal to the courts. Assistance can take many different forms, such as: a place in an old people’s home or group home, help from the home help service, support and help for parents, relief for relatives, financial assistance (income support), and personal assistance.
The Social Services Department cooperates with a variety of actors such as the police, Region Norrbotten, various non-profit organisations and other organisations. Within the municipality, the department cooperates primarily with the education administration, and then it is about children and young people.
To get in touch with The Department of Social Welfare, you should contact the Citizens’ Service of Boden municipality. When you get in touch with them, tell them your case or the person you’re looking for and they’ll put you through.
As an employee of the municipality of Boden, you will be close to the changing everyday life of the inhabitants of Boden. We offer a wide range of jobs in challenging and exciting professional fields with varied tasks that are socially important, interesting and challenging. We also offer a strong “dare to try” culture where you get great support from colleagues and managers. In addition to important and exciting tasks, we also offer certain benefits.
Some businesses offer the possibility of flexible working hours, also known as flexitime. This means that, within certain limits, you can be flexible in how you arrange your working hours at the beginning and end of the day.
Many businesses also have summer working hours, which means you will have shorter working days from May to August, and slightly longer days from September to April.
Flexible working hours and summer working hours facilitate the reconciliation of work, leisure and family life.
Until the year you turn 39, you qualify for 25 days of paid leave. From the year you turn 40, you qualify for 31 days of paid leave. From the year you turn 50, you qualify for 32 paid holidays per year. If you are paid by the hour, your holiday pay is the number of days based on your age.
If you are entitled to more than 20 paid holiday days in a holiday year, you can save the days exceeding 20 for later years. You can save up to 30 days of holiday. You can also apply for part of a day off – known as holiday hours – if you earn more than 25 days of holiday.
If you have a monthly salary and are employed for an indefinite period or have a fixed-term contract covering the whole of the next holiday year, you can apply to exchange your holiday allowance for more days off. This generates 5 – 6 days per year depending on age.
Staff employed under the BEA or PAN contract are not covered.
You also receive a benefit that allows you to continue to earn full holiday entitlement even if you are on part-time sick leave or parental leave, provided you are still working at least 40%.
If you work in a school and are paid a subsistence or holiday allowance, special rules apply to holidays.
If you have a monthly salary, you keep your salary during your holiday and also receive a holiday allowance for each day off.
As an employee, you have the right to take full or part-time parental leave in accordance with the Parental Leave Act. You are entitled to work part-time until your child is eight years old. In the municipality of Boden, you can take extended partial parental leave of up to 25% until the child is 12 years old. However, parental leave for children between 8 and 12 years of age is not pensionable.
If you are an employee on parental leave, you are entitled to a parental allowance supplement if you have been employed continuously for at least 180 calendar days. The parental benefit supplement is paid for a maximum of 180 days. The supplement is paid until the child is 24 months old at the latest.
If your business allows it,you can give blood during paid working hours.
If you have a close family member who passes away or is seriously ill, you may be entitled to some paid leave under an agreement.
If it is necessary to visit during working hours, you have the right to visit a maternity clinic on 2 occasions during a pregnancy.
In case of acute illness or accident, it is possible to visit a doctor or dentist for the first time.
The municipality of Boden has an occupational health service that works actively to promote health.
Occupational health carries out preventive measures for priority groups.
The occupational health service also supports the municipality’s work environment and rehabilitation work.
Wellness hour-The municipality of Boden wants to promote a sustainable working life. We offer one paid fitness hour per week for your own fitness activities if your work schedule allows.
Health care allowance-As a permanent employee, you can receive a health care allowance of SEK 1500 per year. You apply for the grant via the service web and it can be used according to the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules for wellness grants.
Health portal – all monthly employees have access to the municipality’s health portal where it is free to book various health promotion activities.
Exercise cards – all employees can buy exercise cards at a discounted price.
Work environment week – every autumn, a work environment week is arranged for the municipality’s employees with various lecturers and a lot of physical activities.
Terminal glasses – As an employee of the municipality of Boden, you can get help with glasses for terminal work if needed.
For your first two weeks of illness, your employer will pay you sick pay according to the Sick Pay Act, which is 80% of your salary.
On days 15-90, in addition to sickness benefit from the Social Insurance Agency, you will receive sick pay of 10% of the salary you lose from your employer. If your salary is higher than the Försäkringskassan ceiling for sickness benefit, your employer will also pay an additional supplement to your salary.
The 10% sick pay can be paid up to and including calendar day 90 of the sick leave. From day 91, this can be applied for with AFA insurance.
When you have been employed for 25 years, you will receive a gift worth 15% of the price base amount and a dinner hosted by the municipality of Boden.
If you terminate your employment after 10 years, you will receive a commemorative gift worth 3% of the price base amount, after 20 years the value is 4.5%.
As an employee of the municipality of Boden, you get free coffee and tea.
Most workplaces have a daily newspaper and fruit.
As an employee of the municipality of Boden, you are insured against illness, occupational injury and death via AFA and KPA-Liv.
Every year your employer contributes to your occupational pension – which can be an important part of your future pension. The municipality of Boden pays a pension contribution of 6% of your income to your chosen pension provider.
In addition, the employer contributes 31.5% if your salary exceeds 7.5 price base amounts (AKAP-KR.).
Opportunity for higher pension through salary exchange – As a staff member, you have the opportunity to exchange part of your salary through a gross salary deduction for your occupational pension.
We are the municipality’s largest employer and you have great opportunities to develop when you work with us.
We are committed to your professional development and provide you with good opportunities to strengthen your skills.
As a permanent employee of the Social Services Department, you can apply for paid studies in the following areas:
If you are a member of the Labour Market and Education Administration, you can study with pay in the following areas:
The municipalities and regions have a conversion agreement that aims to promote employees’ opportunities for lifelong learning and strengthen their position in the labor market.
You can apply for support from the Transition Fund for career and study advice and for skills development or study.
Here you can find our job titles and below you can see our vacancies.
Vi söker sjuksköterska för timanställning till Harads. Sjuksköterskan har hälso- och sjukvårdsansvaret och gör bedömningar om hälsotillståndet och vid behov tas kontakt med primärvårdsläkare. På boendet har vi en utsedd läkare som rondar 1 gång per vecka. Arbetet innebär att […]
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Vi söker dig som vill vara delaktig i att ge en god vård och omsorg till våra brukare. I rollen som undersköterska hos oss har du möjlighet att skapa den bästa boendemiljön för våra brukare utifrån ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Du arbetar omsorgsfullt och professionellt i […]
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Vi söker Dig som vill undervisa i spanska och engelska i år 7-9. Undervisning kommer att vara din huvudsakliga arbetsuppgift. Du har även rollen som kontaktlärare för en grupp elever och i den rollen skapar du de bästa förutsättningarna för att eleverna ska utvecklas, trivas och känna […]
Vi söker Dig som vill undervisa i musik i år 7-9. Förstärkande undervisning i svenska och engelska ingår också under språkvalstid. Undervisning kommer att vara din huvudsakliga arbetsuppgift. Du har även rollen som kontaktlärare för en grupp elever och i den rollen skapar du de bästa […]
Målgruppen vi arbetar mot är enskilda som bor i ordinärt boende, tillhör LSS personkrets och/eller enskilda med psykiatrisk eller neuropsykiatrisk diagnos. Som omsorgsassistent på boendestöd arbetar du pedagogiskt och motiverande med den enskilde och målet är att ge den enskilde ett […]
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Du kommer att arbeta som modersmålslärare i grundskolan. Din arbetsplats kommer att vara olika skolenheter och olika skolformer där barn och elever finns. Din undervisning kommer att ske i form av närundervisning. I andra hand kan fjärrundervisning vara ett alternativ. Vid anställning får du […]
Sedvanliga arbetsuppgifter inom vård & omsorg
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Förvaltaren äger de kommunala fastigheterna och har daglig kontakt med våra hyresgäster, (förvaltningarna i första hand) och är Fastighetschefens högra hand i frågor som rör strategisk lokalförsörjning. Förvaltaren har idag ansvar för ca 320.000m2 egna och inhyrda fastigheter. […]
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Som fysioterapeut i Hemsjukvården har du ett nära samarbete med arbetsterapeut och tillsammans ansvarar ni för ett geografiskt område. Teamet består av arbetsterapeut, fysioterapeut, omvårdnadspersonal, enhetschef, sjuksköterska och biståndshandläggare. Du bidrar med din specifika […]
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Vårt förhållningssätt är personcentrerat och vi möter patienten i sitt hem där vi gör bedömningar av hälsotillstånd, omvårdnadsbehov osv. Arbetet innebär också att handleda vård- och omsorgspersonal i omvårdnadsarbetet. Vi har ett nära samarbete med primärvården och psykiatrin […]
Som fysioterapeut i vårt gäng kommer du b la arbeta med utbildning, gruppinsatser, handledning av studenter, tränings- och kostinstruktioner mm. Du kommer också att utföra tester och undersökningar i vårt testlabb, delta i mottagningsverksamhet och delta i företagshälsans övrig uppdrag […]
Är du undersköterska eller barnskötare med inriktning mot socialt arbete eller motsvarande? Vill du vara del av en spännande verksamhet med stor frihet att själv forma vardagen tillsammans med dina kollegor? Trivs du med att arbeta dagtid - måndag till fredag och ha kvällar och helger […]
Tjänsterna är tillsvidare, schemalagd arbetstid (dag, kväll och helg). I Personalpoolen gäller bilaga D vilket ställer stora krav på flexibilitet, men också något som du kompenseras för med ett lönetillägg.