Strandens preschool is centrally located with proximity to both the forest and the city center. The preschool has four portals; Bläckfisken, Snäckan, Delfinen for children aged 1-4 years, and Sjöhästen which is a portal for five-year-olds.
Strandens preschool employs 12 preschool teachers, two cooks and the head of the preschool is Maria Wikström-Uneby. All staff are well acquainted with all children and parents at the preschool.
The preschool has a nice outdoor environment with large areas for play, hilly terrain, swings, play stands, sandboxes, and berry bushes, as well as space for cultivation projects.
Our educational activities and documentation are anchored in the Education Act, in the preschool curriculum, municipal guidelines and through our local activity plan. We have educational play materials available for everyone and learning environments that stimulate the play and development of children of all ages. Children and staff have recurring elements in their activities related to our environment and sustainable development. For example, “Asta Kasta” and “Vera Sortera” are two characters who visit the children several times a year with different messages about this. Programming and technology is another area of our business.
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