Cross-country skiing

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Cross-country skiing in Boden offers a fantastic experience for skiers of all levels, from beginners to elite athletes. With its versatile terrain and well-maintained ski tracks, Boden is an excellent destination for those seeking a skiing experience beyond the ordinary.

One of the popular trails in Boden is Sävastspåren, starting at the Sävast Ski Team’s ski lodge. Here, skiers can choose between different routes from 800 meters up to 7 kilometers, all illuminated for evening skiing. The lighting is designed for cold conditions and automatically switches off at temperatures below -20 degrees Celsius.

For those who prefer to ski with their dogs, there are special rules. In Paglaspåren it is always allowed to train with a leashed dog, while in Sävast it is allowed on certain days and times, provided that the dog is leashed with an expander line to the skier.

Paglaspåren is another attractive ski area in Boden. There are two different starting points – at the campsite or in Pagla – and the trails extend up to 15 kilometers. These trails pass scenic spots such as Bombmyren and Ballongbacken. In addition to winter skiing, Pagla also offers roller ski trails in the summer, making it a versatile venue for cross-country skiing all year round.

The area around Storklinten offers cross-country skiing in a hilly terrain among old forests and near lakes and rivers. There is a beautiful 8.5 km long trail and a shorter one of 2.4 km for those who prefer easier terrain. The trails have a wide skate surface and nice tracks for classic skating, but lack electric lighting making daylight or a strong headlamp necessary for skating.

In summary, Boden offers a rich experience for cross-country skiers with its varied and well-prepared ski trails. The scenic environment together with the well-planned facilities make Boden a great destination for cross-country skiing, whether you’re looking for a quiet walk in nature or a more challenging workout.

Ski trails

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