New preschool in Sävast

Photo Mats Engfors/Fotographic

Lunda preschool in Sävast is the second of four new preschools in the largest targeted investment in qualitative development for children and young people ever in Boden municipality. Lunda preschool will be the first completely new preschool and is planned to open in 2021.

The number of children aged one to five is increasing at the same time as a political decision has been made to reduce the number of places from 17 to 15 per preschool department in the municipality of Boden. To meet the demand for preschool places and adapt the childcare of the future with more appropriate premises, the municipality of Boden has developed a development plan for the preschools until 2025.

Björkdungen’s preschool in central Boden was the first preschool to be completely renovated and opened in a new version. Lunda preschool in Sävast will be the first completely new one, in an area that is expanding with occupancy and new residential areas.

The design has been developed in consultation between architects, municipality workers and staff representatives.

– The idea is to create a pedagogical and sustainable concept that all preschools we build are based on, says Charlotte Olofsson, local and safety coordinator at the education administration.

Creative place

Lunda is built in an arch on two floors with a total of eight departments and room for 144 children. The new preschool replaces the older preschool Golfkullen where there are four departments today. This means a substantial increase in the number of places.

The design is based on the experience of the Björkdungen preschool, with a restaurant and state-of-the-art kitchen, large communal squares and spaces for water play, painting, carpentry and windows at child height indoors. Outside, there will also be a creative environment with a stage, barbecue area, climbing and balance tracks, space for sledding and ski trails, a separate zone for the youngest children and a well-thought-out entrance.

The theme for color, shape and choice of material is planned to be based on the legends of the two Vikings who came to the river valley, Säve and Une, who are said to have founded Sävast and Unbyn.

After Lunda preschool, two more preschools will be built, one in the Sanden area and one in Trångfors.

As a municipality, we want with this step-by-step investment to match the geographical areas where the needs exist so that the population does not have to travel back and forth with their children, says Bertil Sundström, operations manager for pre-school and primary school in Boden municipality.

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