Art Dance Studio

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Art Dance Studio in Boden is an politically and religiously independent association. We work to broaden the cultural range of activities and promote a vibrant dance and cultural life in the municipality of Boden. We are open to cooperation with other associations, schools and private persons.

We focus on artistic dance and offer dance classes for children and young people aged three and up.
Our vision is to spread the joy of dancing. The children will be able to create their own dance experiences and develop their technique through our guidance. Our aim is to give them a sense of community and security, and through this to continue to create from their own creative abilities.

Nonprofit associations

Friluftsfrämjandet Boden

Educating children and adults in nature. Operations and activities Spring Summer Winter Skogsknytt 3-4 years old Skogsmull 5-7 years old Skogsströvare 8-10 years old Frilufare

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