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Torpgärdsskolan is an age 6 to 12 school located in the residential area of Torpgärdan, about 5 km outside central Boden. The school has a profile focusing on health and lifestyle.

Our activities

The school’s main catchment area is Bodsvedjan, Norrbyarna, Norra Svartbyn, Södra Svartbyn and Torpgärdan. The school currently has about 310 pupils from age 6 class to age 12. We are a two parallel school and have three recreational departments – Galaxen, Kometen and Stjärnans fritidshem. Torpgärdsskolan has a large schoolyard with both wooded and grassy areas that give children space to play. The proximity to forest and nature contributes to the school’s good opportunities for outdoor activities, skiing and skating.

School profile

The school’s profile is Health and Lifestyle and the school has the Torpis in Motion project which encourages movement and a healthy lifestyle. The project encourages brainbreaks and movement challenges during the school day to give students the best conditions to absorb new knowledge and develop good social skills. At Torpgärdsskolan, we think knowledge is cool and want students to have confidence in their own ability to learn and succeed. We work with collegial learning at the school to constantly develop our activities and base our work on current research and development.

Follow us on Instagram: torpgardsskolan_boden

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