Kyrkkläppens preschool is currently being rebuilt. Now, during the construction period, the preschool is located in two other premises. The Hallon and Jordgubben departments are located at Torpgärdan’s preschool. The Blueberry and Lingonberry section is located at Vita Villan. From the end of 2024, there will be a beautiful new preschool on site, with two additional portals, ready to receive new children.
Everyone who works at the preschool has different experiences, education and background, which means that we have created a preschool based on a broad knowledge and solid experience.
The preschool works daily with children’s lifelong learning with the Curriculum as a focus. The preschool works with the children around image support, digital tools such as screens, iPads, educational apps and projectors. Reading aloud is also sometimes done via a digital screen where many children can participate. Digital tools are used in a conscious way where your child develops their digital skills.
The preschool focuses on mathematics, social skills and language/communication. These three elements are given prominence in education to prepare children for school – and for lifelong learning. All staff use Signs as Support with the children, as an additional option to communicate.
Your child’s safety, care and health are the cornerstones of their growth and well-being. We always look out for your child’s best interests and their well-being. We believe that cooperation between home and school is important. We work to have a good relationship with guardians where communication/feedback is part of the daily work. Communication and information about daily activities, teaching and other activities are also sent out via blog and email to guardians.
At Portal Lingon we receive children in the municipality who have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, or equivalent difficulties in communication, behavior and perception. Applications for Lingon are made on a special form that you can pick up at Medborgarservice at Boden Municipality’s Town Hall. Placement at Lingon is for children 3-5 years old.
The Strawberry and Blueberry portal currently has children aged 1-3, and the Raspberry and Lingonberry portal has children aged 3-5.